Monday, November 21, 2011

iPads in Walton County High Schools by 2013?

In an article posted on The Walton Tribune site today, School Officials attend Education Summit, quotes WCPS Superintendent Gary Hobbs, stating “Year after next, we plan to put an iPad or tablet in the hands of every high school student.” exciting is that!! 

I've heard that a lot of schools throughout the country are either already using iPads in the classroom or are preparing to use them. This article in from this past September states, "Schools that are trying out iPads for the first time this fall have a good model to follow: Gibbon-Fairfax-Winthrop High School in Minnesota bought 375 iPads for its students shortly after Apple released the product, according to a Marketplace article. In the first year, 22 iPads were lost or broken at the school, but the iPads have helped engage students, cut down on paper, and allowed absent students to keep up with classwork."

I really like the idea of cutting down on paper and allowing students who are absent (legitimately, of course!) to stay on top of their school work.

Here is a short video from that gives an overview of the benefits of the iPad in the classroom:

Inkling from Bulent Keles on Vimeo.

Another benefit I see is the possibility that our children may no longer need to lug around heavy backpacks filled with bulky textbooks. However I'm sure that once this becomes a reality in our school system there may be some sort of fees or insurance involved but if it eliminates the need of some of the school supplies we purchase at the beginning of the school year I'd imagine it would all balance out (yes, I'm being optimistic!).

I'm looking forward to this wave of technology hitting our schools in 2013!

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