Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Beginning of the School Year is Around The Corner

(Updated 07/16/11)

All the stores have their school supplies up front. Sunday paper's ads were filled with back-to-school deals. You know what that means, parents and kids...it's almost time for a new school year!

Be sure to check your school's website and get your Open House dates and times as well as school supply lists.

Here are some links to Loganville's Public Schools-



Janet McIntosh said...

What about BayCreek Middle school for Gwinnett County? I live in the 30052 zip and that is where my daughter will be attending middle school.

Live From 30052 said...

My apologies. I can't believe I missed it! Adding it now. thanks for letting me know :)

Janet McIntosh said...

Thanks so much, I appreciate it :)